Grief and Loss

691002130Loss is an inevitable part of life.

Maybe you lose your job or career track…

… or your physical abilities as you age.

Perhaps life changes, and you have to give up on your dreams.

You might fall out of step with your religion…

… or have to give up your way of life when you move to a new home.

Your health can change, forcing you to change your lifestyle or alter your planned future.

Where there is loss, there is grief.

You might be familiar with the “stages of grief”: anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

If you’ve been through it, you probably know that grief isn’t linear; there are many ups and downs, and you’ll go back and forth between these stages.

All of these stages are normal when you lose something in life…

But sometimes, grief can overwhelm us.

One of our greatest losses is the death of a loved one.

It can be devastating, leaving us sad, angry, confused, and so much more.

It can be hard to accept the reality that your loved one is no longer with you, leaving you feeling alone in the world.

You may even find yourself wanting to be with your loved one and can experience intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt yourself.

1283416990When you’re ready, support is here.

In therapy, you can discover ways to cope with your loss.

Together, we’ll explore how to identify and accept your grief, discussing triggers and practicing in-the-moment coping strategies.

Therapy offers a space to validate your feelings and learn to accept your thoughts without judgment as you navigate through loss.

You may feel like a part of you is lost due to circumstances like the death of a loved one or other life events.

By addressing your grief and loss, you can rediscover old passions and explore new ones, grounding yourself and finding inner strength to move forward.

Learn to take care of your heart, mind, and body.

Physical activities like dance and exercise can help release stored grief from our bodies, promoting a lighter mindset.

Meditation and mindfulness aid in being present, allowing for grief processing and inner peace. Expressing feelings through journaling, speaking, or art helps release emotions and find relief.

Therapy teaches embracing grief for healing and rediscovering joy.

There is no one way to address all losses, but with professional help, you can find joy again and live a happier life.

Are you ready to seek relief from the pain you’re carrying?

I’m prepared to accompany you on the journey toward healing your heart and mind. I understand how deep grief and loss can feel isolating, like being stranded on an island alone.

Let me encourage you to reach out and grab the lifeboat of therapy, giving yourself permission to heal. When you’re ready for support, I’ll be here to join you on the journey to shore.

Give me a call. Let’s talk more during your free consultation: (510) 386-6659.