PTSD and Trauma Recovery

1392238154Trauma has many different faces.

It looks different for everyone.

Maybe you suffered abuse or neglect as a child…

… or had a difficult, painful illness.

You may have gone through the unthinkable, like combat or a natural disaster…

… or gotten into a car accident.

Domestic violence, losing a pregnancy, adjusting to life after lockdowns…

Any of these things can overwhelm your body and mind, causing you trauma.

That scar in your psyche…

Feelings of stuckness can look different for each person. Those can include feeling like you are haunted by the memories of the trauma, feeling trapped in your current situation due to past experiences and not being able to move forward healthily.

You may find yourself avoiding situations and people because they bring up too much anxiety or overwhelm.

Consequences of unprocessed trauma and PTSD can also bring physical ailments such as headaches, stomach aches, chronic pain, muscle tension, and more.

Fight or flight hormones can be an ongoing cycle when the trauma is not addressed to bring healing to the body and mind.

If not dealt with…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can show up day after day… year after year.




Thoughts about hurting yourself…

Physical symptoms like stomach aches, headaches, or fatigue…

It’s a recipe for chaos in your mind and body.

1868108446I’m here to help.

In therapy, we’ll collaborate on addressing the challenges stemming from trauma and PTSD, employing techniques such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), mindfulness, and trauma-based interventions to help you feel more grounded.

Achieving a sense of grounding enables exploring new solutions and releasing emotions and feelings that no longer serve your well-being.

Together, we’ll confront negative thoughts and learn strategies to reframe them into a more positive mindset, incorporating affirmations to boost self-esteem and processing feelings of guilt and shame to break free from feeling trapped.

Addressing thoughts of self-harm, which often accompany overwhelming feelings, will involve delving into their root causes and implementing grounding techniques, meditation, and understanding the fight-or-flight response to empower daily self-care practices and live one day at a time.

It doesn’t have to be this way…

You don’t have to live in the shadows.

Support is available to help you move forward!

You just need to take the first step and reach out…

Call today for a free consultation to see how I can help: (510) 386-6659.